How to Conquer Fears, Worries, and Frustrations in 30 Hours

$21.89 CAD

Are you troubled by fears, worries, anxieties, or frustrations? With these simple, effective steps, you can revitalize your mental outlook, eliminate harmful habits, reduce your fears, and gain a better hold upon your feelings and emotions. Day by day, you will widen your horizons, reduce inner conflicts, learn to make new friends, and discover new depths and new potentialities within you.

We will guide you to fuller, richer and happier days, as you gain in knowledge, perspective, and self-understanding.

You'll receive a link in your email for 30 written lessons, yours to keep forever:

  • Dissipate groundless fears and the worry habit
  • Resolve personal problems and deal with discontent
  • Disperse frustrations, reduce tensions, and avoid losing your temper
  • Offset feelings of inferiority and help you live with yourself
  • Cope with the ravages of grief
  • Displace bad habits and acquire good ones
  • Improve your memory and turn time into a friend
  • Use your senses and add to your enjoyments
  • Relax and promote natural sleep
  • Overcome loneliness and make friends
  • Cultivate a cheerful attitude and enjoy happiness

Start today on a new, bright, glorious future!